Roc'n Rope
Release: 1984
Publisher: Coleco/CBS
Developer: Gordon Martin & Associates
Type: Ladder
Coleco #: 2668
CBS #: 4L4513


Roc'n Rope title screen
Roc'n Rope screenshot


Front (U) Back (U) Cart (U) Manual (U)
Ref 14369

Konami is a registered trademark of Konami Industry
Roc'n Rope is a registered trademark of Konami Industry
Packaged in U.S.A. Printed in U.S.A.
Package, Program and Audiovisual ©1984 Coleco Industries, Inc.,
Amsterdam, New York 12010
Barcode : 0 76930 20678


Ref 74-322
Ref 74-322
Ref 4L4513
Ref 2L2477

Roc 'n' Rope is a trademark of Konami Industry Inc.
Program & Audiovisual ©1984 Coleco Industries Inc.
Package ©1984 CBS Toys, a Division of CBS Inc.
Made in England by CBS Electronics, Woodley, Berks.
Printed in Holland.
ICC 266801
Barcode : 5 010779 74322 5


Is the Golden Bird of Fortune merely a legend, or does it really exist? Find out in Coleco’s ROC’N ROPE, a game of skill and speed.
Roc'n Rope arcade cabinetIn your quest for the Golden Bird, you’ll journey through the land that time forgot – a prehistoric landscape made up of treacherous cliffs and dark caves. Scale the heights with your trusty rope and shine your powerful flashlight to daze the lumbering dinosaurs and swift-footed cavemen who chase you at every turn. And up at the top, a feathered fiend, the Flying Roc, tries to bop you with bouncing boulders.

Fortunately, the Golden Bird has left a trail of eggs containing magical powers. Gather them as you go and use their powers to make the dinosaurs and cavemen disappear into the depths below. But watch your step! If you lose your footing while perched on the edge of a cliff, you’ll join your fallen foes!
The treasures of the Golden Bird are yours when you reach the apex. But your quest isn’t over. The fabled bird awaits you at the top of another perilous maze.

Port of Konami's arcade game released in March 1983.


Front BackCart3D
Label Made By: Phil Boland.
Box layoutMini-box layout  


Roc'n Rope-Arcade


Roc'n Rope-Atari 2600

Atari 2600